In my recent conversation with Jed Byrne on the EntreArchitect Podcast, we explored the transformative role of content marketing for architects and how it serves as a powerful strategy to build authority, attract ideal clients, and establish lasting relationships. Jed shared his personal journey, illustrating how his passion for community-building and knowledge-sharing has fueled his […]
Planning an Offsite Retreat on a Budget: A Guide for Cost-Conscious Small Firm Architects
In our previous article, we discussed the immense value that offsite retreats can bring to small firm architects. From sparking creativity to strengthening your team, stepping away from the daily grind offers numerous benefits that can help propel your practice forward. But let’s face it—when you’re running a small firm, both time and financial resources […]
Why You May Need to Step Away: The Value of Offsite Retreats for Small Firm Architects
Stepping away from the daily grind isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity for small firm architects. Offsite retreats offer a powerful opportunity to recharge, refocus, and reimagine your practice’s future. By learning from how larger companies use these retreats for strategic planning, team building, and innovation, you can unlock new potential for your own firm. Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a step back.
Connections matter less — and more — than you probably think
How to Start Building Professional Relationships Introduction So, you are interested in building professional relationships? The following article can be used as a guide to not only review the “how” of building connections, but also to think about “why” you should. Instructions To get the most out of this article, take the time to think […]
The Six Layers of a Healthy Referral Strategy
It’s safe to say if a healthy, fully functioning referral strategy has six layers, there’s a good chance you’re missing one or two of them (or maybe more). When I say a healthy and fully functioning referral strategy, I mean that you’re producing the desired results of referrals received that isn’t left to chance and […]
What Is Your Favorite “F” Word
Yes, you read that correctly. As a Sandler Trainer, my favorite F word is FUDWACA. Yes, FUDWACA, but more on that later. We have all heard the term 30-second commercial or elevator pitch. We all most likely have a few different versions, depending on our audience. The 30-second commercial is not a new technique. It has been […]