For this final week of March here at, where throughout the month we have been sharing content on the theme of Leadership, we are sharing a great guest post from earlier last year by Norbert Lemermeyer of Architecture + Business. Establish an Orientation for New Employees The following outlines the standard orientation for a new […]
5 Principles of Servant Leadership
Successful Leadership as an Architect Late one winter night, under a bare bulb in an empty under-heated DC university dorm room I read Leadership Is an Art by Max De Pree; a book that influenced my approach to leading others from that night forward. Earlier that day, our hosts at the 1992 American Institute of […]
A Simple Sales System for Small Firm Architects
If you are a long time reader of, then this post may sound familiar. Originally published in 2013 as Part 4 of the original EntreArchitect™ Academy Blog Series, this final article of our month dedicated to Business Development shares my firm’s simple sales system. You can read the entire original 2013 blog series here. Making Money is Good […]
Welcome to the All-New EntreArchitect
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your holiday and have started your new year with enthusiasm, determination and focus. It’s going to be a great 2016. I’m sure you are noticing a few changes around here. We’ve been very hard at work during the year-end break. Welcome to the All-New EntreArchitect The all-new EntreArchitect is […]
Mastering the Art of Delegation
Last week I published a podcast episode titled, Success in 2016 with Just ONE Goal, where I shared my thoughts on goal setting. For years I have set numerous goals, in every part of my life, with all good intention and desire to achieve each goal by the deadline set. Does that sound familiar? I […]
How To Start an Architecture Firm Without a Portfolio
Anyone who has started their own architecture firm from scratch knows this dilemma well. We are full of enthusiasm, full of ideas, fully prepared. We quit our job (or working throughout the night on the side). We planned our launch and created a new website to share our ideas with the world… but we have […]