The story of growing Kohn Pedersen Fox from 3 partners to an international architecture firm of 700+
In 1992 Gene Kohn, Chairman and Founder of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) spoke at my architecture school. I was a 22-year-old architecture student and a born entrepreneur.
Gene inspired me that day in 1992. He changed my life as an architect and indirectly impacted an entire generation of architect business owners through EntreArchitect.
At his talk, Gene explained how important it was to focus on the business of architecture before all else, how finding the right partners with focused strengths greater than his own was critical to his success, and how growing his network by establishing real honest authentic relationships with real people led to the first project for KPF and every project since.
That talk motivated me to focus on business fundamentals when launching my own architecture firm, which then led to the creation of The EntreArchitect Community and a global impact on the architecture profession for small firm architects.
On November 3, 2022, I will be honored to have Gene join me again. This time as the Day 2 Keynote Speaker at The EntreArchitect Community Annual Meeting, the business conference for small firm architects.
I hope you will join us too.
– Mark R. LePage, AIA, NCARB
A. Eugene Kohn (BArch’53, MArch’57) currently serves as Founder and Chairman of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates. In 1976, he founded KPF alongside William Pedersen and Sheldon Fox, based on a commitment to design excellence and built on collaboration and opportunities for young members of the firm to become future leaders.
Join us in Austin, Texas, November 1-3, 2022 at The EntreArchitect Community Annual Meeting. It’s the only in-person business conference dedicated to small firm entrepreneur architects.
See the full speaker lineup and purchase tickets for your entire team at
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