STOP and take time to evaluate your life. Ask yourself… Are you doing the things that make you happy? Are you making the world a better place? Have you found your purpose? What are your goals? Are you working toward a better life? Make two lists; Things That Matter and Things That Don’t. DROP the things […]
Life of an Architect Blog Reaches 3 Million Readers
As a follow up to yesterday’s post… if you aren’t already a fan of Entrepreneur Architect Bob Borson and his Life of an Architect blog, meander on over and take a read. His hard work and dedication online has resulted in much earned success. He posts almost everyday with interesting and thought provoking ideas. He […]
Make it Your Job
Today I was watching a recent talk by Chris Brogan and among many thought provoking ideas, he proposed one tasty tidbit that stuck in my head. Chris is a successful marketing pro, NY Times bestselling author, magazine contributor, blogger, speaker and mega-nerd (he knows more about comic superheros than anyone… ever). He didn’t just decide […]
My Time Online: Presenting Portfolio, Creating Context and a Top Google Rank
This week, we’ve been exchanging website URLs over at the Entrepreneur Architect Linkedin Group. It is very interesting to learn some background on the people we’re interacting with on that forum. I shared our website URL (which is in the midst of an upgrade from our original site to a new one). Then, I posted […]
Dream Big: Develop Your Business Plan Using a Narrative picked up my friend and Entrepreneur Architect Linkedin Group member Bob Borson’s blog post today. If you haven’t read Bob’s writings, I recommend that you visit him at Leave him a comment and tell him we said “hi”. Bob describes how he uses a narrative during the programming phase to learn what his […]
My 5 Rules
I am sharing my latest post over at the Living Well in Westchester blog, My 5 Rules to a Successful Architecture Project. What are your rules to a successful project?