Early Sunday morning, Annmarie and I left our three sleeping children in the care of their loving grandparents and took off across the United States to Sonoma County, California.
For the third year in a row, we are attending the Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) Symposium. It’s our favorite conference of the year, where we have the opportunity to connect with fellow small firm residential architects from around the country.
If you are looking for an alternative to the AIA National Convention, dedicated to the art and business of being a residential architect, then CRAN is where you want to be.
Just before we left town, I downloaded the new book written by my friend, Evan Troxel of Archispeak Podcast. It’s titled A.R.E. Hacks, Learn How to Pass the Architect Registration Exam. I just wanted to take a peek and flip through the pages, but surprisingly, as I flew through the clouds from New York to San Francisco, I could not put my iPad down. I didn’t expect to learn much from a book about passing a test that I completed successfully more than a decade ago, but page after page, I was taking notes, highlighting a tip or learning a new strategy that I could apply to my own life’s goals.
As I read, Evan shared his 15 year circuitous journey to become a licensed architect, and unlike other books written about what to study, A.R.E. Hacks shares more about how to study, where to study and when to study. It’s filled with practical advice, as well as inspirational prescriptions for how to make big things happen. It’s a book about how to achieve your life goals, when the realities of life (work, money, social life, parenthood, etc.) may be fighting you every step of the way.
Through his own personal stories, Evan shares tips and strategies on how to establish habits, how to “find the time” and what to sacrifice in order to accomplish the massive life goal of every want-to-be architect. With step-by-step action plans and a full assortment of online and offline resources, Evan’s straight forward and honest, no “sugar coated” approach will give you the courage, tools and proper mindset to make your dream of becoming a licensed architect a reality.
To learn more about Evan’s journey to become an architect, listen to our recent conversation at episode 135 of EntreArchitect Podcast. To learn more about Evan’s new book, or to order a copy of your own, visit AREHacks.com.
Question: What is your biggest life goal?
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