What are you doing to become “locally famous”?
Do you have a facebook account with which you post regularly and interact with your fans? Do you follow Twitter feeds for people who have influence in your local communities… and respond to their tweets?
Do you blog… consistently, and have a website which reflects the expectations of the market in which you wish to become “famous”?
What happens when you Google your name? Your firm? The term “architect” followed by your location? Are you there… on the first page? (Google Entrepreneur Architect and see what happens.)
Do you network with local business organizations? Do you share your passion for what you do with others… with large groups or organizations… as a speaker?
Does your business card include your website URL and email… as well as your facebook and Twitter accounts?
To become “locally famous”, you must first truly “know your stuff” and be viewed as THE expert people turn to. Second; you must be everywhere they are and everywhere they look. Third; you must interact with the people from which you are seeking “fame”… and fourth, smile (a lot) and be nice. When you are sincerely nice to people, good things happen.
Great reminders Mark! Everyone should start today and implement just one of these strategies – a rising tide raises all boats!
Thanks Enoch. I agree.
Thanks for this article!
Currently I’m working on a photoblog to get locals interested. With the blog I can publish daily some work, ideas sketches and so on…
The stream of content, which I can allso publish automatic on FB and Twitter will attrack more visitors to my site, and more local because on FB I have many local friends. I you’re interested: http://www.hasselaar.nl/fotoblog