SketchUp Experts
Keith Brooks has a degree in Interior Architecture with an emphasis in Furniture and Product Design. His career path brought him very quickly to custom woodworking for residential and commercial production houses. After 15 years of woodworking and reaching Senior Lead Craftsman status, he started doing production drawings in 2011 in a top tier residential cabinet shop.
After 7 years learning production level drafting and assembly drawings, he started kBrooks Design Studio in early 2019. In 2021, after growing his studio to a level of busy that required outside help, he went looking for help but found the process frustrating. So, in response to that he founded Sloped, a professional web marketplace where design businesses that use Sketchup & Layout can find and connect with advanced users of Sketchup & Layout who provide design and drafting services.
This week at EntreArchitect Podcast, SketchUp Experts with Keith Brooks.
Connect with Keith online at, or follow him on LinkedIn and Instagram.
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That was a great podcast. I am very interested in getting involved with this company.
Amy, Thanks for listening. I appreciate the feedback. If you are interested in learning more about Sloped, you may reach out to Keith directly at the contact information listed above in the show notes.