As a follow up to yesterday’s post… if you aren’t already a fan of Entrepreneur Architect Bob Borson and his Life of an Architect blog, meander on over and take a read. His hard work and dedication online has resulted in much earned success. He posts almost everyday with interesting and thought provoking ideas. He made his blog his job. He shows up every day and does what it takes to succeed.
Last night, Life of an Architect passed 3 million readers. Yes, thats million with an M.
Congratulations Bob on your much earned success. We look forward to the years ahead.
Thanks for the acknowledgement Mark, I appreciate it. If any of your readers and fellow architects think there is some magic to doing this, I would say to them – “there isn’t … you just have to do it.”
To clarify, for the first 1.5 years, I only post 3x a week but since Jan 2012 it’s done to 1x a week unless special circumstance present themselves. The posts themselves take very little time to prepare compared to responding to the questions and emails I receive as a result of writing.
Thanks again – best of cheer
Thanks for the clarification. That’s very interesting. So, do you post on a schedule, or generally once a week, when you can fit it in?
I have heard from so many sources, that the keys to success in blogging is consistency and longevity. I would add 2 others; both of which you have done successfully as well. Successful blogs are always interesting (to some group) and typically professional and pleasant to look at.
I have much work to do ; )
I have always posted on a schedule – when it was 3x a week it was M,W,F and now that it is once a week it is always on Monday. I also set my posts to get published at 12:01am CST – that way the posts are waiting for the reader by the time people arrive at their office in the morning. Occasionally, when I have a “bonus” post, the timing is erratic because I have written the post because there is some immediacy or I was moved to write about some subject or topic that wasn’t originally planned ahead of time.
I would agree that all the rules you have listed as being important – if anything, I would stress adding plenty of images to help explain your point. It adds the most time to creating the post but people will stay with the article if the text is frequently interrupted with a photo to solidify the content.
So here’s the big question.. Do you make it your job? …or do you consider it a hobby, or “side job”?
It’s definitely not my job – probably 95% of my time on the blog is spent during the evenings and the weekends. I would have to classify it as a hobby because I don’t use it as a vehicle to drive revenue. That may happen as a peripherally related event and it definitely helps as a communicative tool but I don’t take much time away from billable work to produce the content on the site. (just to answer emails and respond to questions like this)
Thanks for the clarification. That’s very interesting. So, do you post on a schedule, or generally once a week, when you can fit it in?
I have heard from so many sources, that the keys to success in blogging is consistency and longevity. I would add 2 others; both of which you have done successfully as well. Successful blogs are always interesting (to some group) and typically professional and pleasant to look at.
I have much work to do ; )