The following is a list of words and phrases that I have assembled over the past few years. I use it to remind myself what is most important in terms of success.
They are in no particular order; simply a random, continuous brainstorm.
What have I missed? Post your thoughts in the comments.
- Courage
- Execution
- Passion
- Efficiency
- Perseverance
- Persistence
- Hard work
- Ask for help
- Surround yourself with smart people
- Lead
- Be nice
- Be different
- Contrast
- Profit
- Authenticity
- Sincerity
- Recognize
- Do what you do well
- Deligate what you don’t
- Unprecedented access to industry leaders… reach out to them
- Start early
- Stay fit
- Confidence
- Set big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs)
- Reduce the process to the absolute minimum steps
- Business culture matters
- Build a superstar team
- Consistency
- Dream big
” Fire any lousy clients ASAP”
” No shame to ask for payment”
“No shame to turn down client”
” Get a very good CPA”
Good ones.
What they ^ said and…pay attention to details. What is a small thing to you can make a world of difference to your client.