When performing our Design Development phase with clients, we typically assist them in selecting all their finishes, plumbing fixtures and lighting. This process is completed most efficiently when we discover and learn, through questionnaires and images, what our clients like and what they dislike. Then, with thorough knowledge of their taste, we offer a limited number of items from which they select.
We find that when clients attempt to perform this task themselves, they are often overwhelmed by the almost infinite number of choices from which to pick. This typically leads them back to us and our efficient process…
Today, Guy Kawasaki tweeted a link to Catherine Faas’ blog post, Why you should stop giving your customers too many choices. Catherine references an eye-opening case study showing redbox beating out Netflix by making DVD selection easier for their customers.
How can we make our clients’ project experience easier and more enjoyable? Should we be limiting their stress by limiting their choices?
I wonder how our clients’ would answer these questions…
What are your thoughts on choices?
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